The Atha Diva

Atha diva wigh flowersHere is my little Atha Diva from Karin at An Illustrated Journey. Isn’t she sweet? I did the coloring myself, and put the flowers in her hair. When I opened the attachment last night, I asked Atha who it was a picture of, and she said “Atha!” And then, since it wasn’t colored in yet, she said, “But Atha has blue eyes and yellow hair.” And then she started playing again. Silly girl.

So both girls are asleep, but I am not. Why? Because I let them stay up last night till they were very tired, which was about midnight. Hey, it was an experiment, I don’t want to hear about it! It worked well except that when Jenny woke up fussing like she does, it was about 4ish, and she tossed and turned intermittently till about 6, at which time I got her up and gave her a bottle. She went back to sleep at about 6:30, and I laid down and tried to sleep and couldn’t. I’m plenty tired, but I just kept thinking it was time to get up and so I finally did. Now I’m feeling very sluggish indeed after my first cup of coffee, wondering if I should lay back down or do the LO’s I am planning with Babette’s Midnight Garden kit… But if I lay down, Atha is certain to wake up just as I am drifting off. It’s a conundrum. Vince will be home tomorrow night. I don’t know if he’s planning on taking Wednesday off as leave or if he’s planning on going back to work Weds morning. I hope he’s taking the day off, so he can deal with the girls and I can just sleep… ah that would be nice…

3 Responses

  1. WOW! Yay for both of us:) You’re right! Babies are awesome and here’s some baby dust on you now:) hehe I tried that experiment on letting my little boy sleep late though but he always wakes up late so now, I already put him in bed. He got a school tomorrow:) It’s past 10pm here!

    Have a great day!

  2. That Atha Diva is beautiful, she did a wonderful job with it! Have a great day!

  3. You did a gorgeous job of colouring Atha and I’m so tickled that both you and Atha like her.

    Baby musical chairs, erk! I hope you manage to have a power nap sometime during the day.

    That LO in the other post is gorgeous.

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